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Ciupuliga Paula


Din cauza bolii, batrana nu mai cunoaste ce varsta are. “Cred ca am 64 de ani. Dar stai ca nu mai stiu nici cati ani am”. Misterul a fost elucidat cu ajutorul directorului de la Casa “Betania” din Hateg, unde Paula locuieste de un an. Are 82 de ani si are probleme cu memoria. “Nu-mi amintesc de cand am venit aici. Am 82 de ani? Nu-mi vine sa cred! Stiam eu ca-s nascuta prin 24… ”

Paula nu este foarte coerenta in discutie. Isi aminteste franturi din viata ei. Spune ca a avut un sot, pastor, si trei copii. “Eu am fost cea care am dus greul in familie. Sotul meu era pastor, dar nu se interesa de copii. Eu am stat cu chirie intr-o casa din Timisoara. Vreau sa ajung acolo, dar vad ca s-au schimbat judetele. Aici e altul si nu ma mai descurc”.

La scurt timp de cand a fost internata in Hateg, batrana a incercat sa ajunga in Timisoara. A abordat un sofer pe care l-a rugat sa o duca la Spitalul Judetean din Timisoara. Din fericire, batrana a fost gasita inainte de a-si duce planul la indeplinire.

Copiii o mai viziteaza la Hateg, insa Paula nu-si aminteste sa fi fost cautata de ei. “Au fost copiii la mine? Am o fata la Brasov, dar nu am mai vazut-o de mult. Copiii tin foarte mult la mine, asta stiu…Nu stiu pe unde mai e sotul meu (despre care am aflat de la personalul din Hateg ca a decedat cu multi ani in urma).”

Am lasat-o pe batrana cu amintirile ei si cu dorinta de a ajunge langa copiii ei. “Poate ca o sa gasesc pe cineva care sa ma duca la Timisoara…”CIUPULIGA PAULA, 82 years old

Because of her illness, the old lady cannot remember her age. “I think I have 64 years. But wait, I don’t even know how old I am.” The mystery was solved with the help of the “Bethany” House director in Haţeg, where Paula resides for a year now. She is 82 years old and has memory loss problems. “I don’t remember when I came here. I am 82 years old? I cannot believe it! I knew I was born around 1924…”

Paula isn’t very coherent in her speech and she only remembers pieces of her life. She says she had a husband who was a pastor and three children. “I was the one who carried all the hardships in the family. My husband was a pastor, but didn’t care about the children. We lived in a house in Timisoara, where we paid rent. I want to go there, but I can see that they have changed the counties. Here is another one and I cannot handle it.” A short while after coming to Hateg, the old lady tried to get to Timisoara. She found a driver and asked him to take her to the District Hospital in Timisoara. Luckily, the old lady was found before accomplishing her plan.

Her children often visit her in Hateg, but Paula doesn’t remember of their visits. “My children came to visit? I have a daughter in Braşov, but I haven’t seen her in a long time. My children love me, I know that…I don’t know where my husband is (we found out from the personnel in Hateg that he deceased a few years ago.”

We left the old lady with her memories and her wish of getting close to her children. “Maybe I will find someone who can take me to Timisoara…”

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