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Constantin Susana Rosa


Susana Rosa se deosebeste de ceilalti locatari ai Casei “Betania” din Hateg prin faptul ca se plimba in permanenta cu o poseta din piele, de culoarea neagra. Nu renunta nici o clipa la acest accesoriu. Inainte de a discuta cu ea, era foarte preocupata sa gaseasca un plic ca sa poata scrie o scrisoare. In cele din urma a intrat in posesia plicului si a acceptat sa ne povesteasca franturi din viata ei. Din cauza bolii nu si-a putut aminti foarte multe lucruri.

Desi este cazata la Casa “Betania” din Hateg de patru luni, ea ne-a spus ca a venit pentru trei zile, timp in care fiul ei ii pregateste o camera la vechea casa. Se plimba deseori pana la poarta ca sa observe persoanele care intra in curte de teama sa nu treaca fiul ei fara sa o duca acasa. Saptamanal, fiul sau o viziteaza. “Baiatul meu vine pe la mine in fiecare saptamana. El picteaza tablouri si le vinde in alte localitati din tara. Daca ajunge prea departe vine la doua saptamani la mine, dar nu ma lasa”, spune Rosa.

La un moment dat, Rosa a pierdut sirul evenimentelor si a inceput sa caute cu disperare un creion ca sa poata scrie in cele din urma scrisoarea. Intrebata fiind cine este destinatarul, ea ne-a destainuit secretul. Este vorba despre o vecina. “Locuieste pe str. Aviatorilor in Pascani, cum cobori pe deal. As vrea sa aflu vesti de la ea despre copiii mei. Am un baiat care este departe”, incheie Rosa.

Dintr-o data si-a amintit ca in tinerete a fost gestionara la o cofetarie si a lucrat in schimburi cu o colega al carui nume ni l-a dezvaluit ulterior. “Daca nu va suparati as vrea sa scriu scrisoarea. Ma simt foarte bine aici”. Si-a luat poseta, in care deseori isi duce inclusiv paharul cu apa, si s-a retras in camera ei ca sa poata redacta scrisoarea in liniste. “Tebuie sa o termin repede de scris ca sa o da sa mi-o trimita cineva la posta”.

Am aflat in cele din urma ca episodul “scrisoarea” se repeta destul de des, fiindca Rosa doreste in permanenta sa afle vesti despre fiul sau.CONSTANTIN SUSANA ROSA, 78 years old

Susana Rosa is different from the other inhabitants of Bethany House in Hateg by the fact that she walks around all the time with a black leather purse. She never gives up this accessory. Before getting a chance to talk with her she was very preoccupied with finding an envelope so she could write a letter. Finally, when she received the envelope, she accepted to tell us parts of her life story. Because of her illness, she can’t remember many things.

Even though she has been in Bethany House over four months now, she told us she came here for three days, in order for her son to prepare a room in her old house. She walks around very often to the gates so she can observe the people coming in, being afraid that her son might pass by and he will not take her home. Her son visits her on a weekly basis. “My son comes to me each week. He does paintings and sells them in other places in the country. If he goes very far, he comes to me every other week, but he never leaves me alone” Rosa tells us.

Rosa lost track of events at one point and frenetically started to look for a pen to write her letter. Being asked who she is going to address the letter to, she revealed us her secret. She will write to one of her former neighbors. “She lives on Aviator Street in Pascani, just as you go down the hill. I would like to know some news about my children from her. I have a son who is very far.”

All out of a sudden, she remembered that when she way young she was an accountant for a sweets store and worked in shifts with a friend whose name she ultimately revealed to us. If you don’t mind, I would like to write my letter. I feel very welcomed here.” She took her purse, where she often keeps her water glass in and retreated to her room so she can write her letter. “I have to finish writing it fast, so that someone can post it for me.”

We found out later on that the “letter” episode is repeating itself quite often, as Rosa wants to know about her son permanently.

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