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Grosan Valer

GROSANU VALER, 65 de ani Valer ne-a marturisit ca in tinerete nu s-a gandit nici o clipa ca va ajunge sa-si traiasca batranetea intr-un azil. Atunci era greu sa si pronunte cuvantul, iar acum s-a resemnat si este multumit ca are unde sa locuieasca si ca sunt persoane care-i poarta de grija. Valer a fost primit in cadrul Casei “Betania” din Hateg in urma cu un an. Inainte de a ajunge aici, el a fost internat patru luni la un azil situat intr-o localitate din Valea Jiului. “Este diferenta de la cer la pamant intre ceea ce era in Valea Jiului si ce este aici. Acolo eram cate patru persoane in camera. Nu aveam conditii. Focul se facea cu carbune si scotea mult fum, iar eu eram bolnav si-mi era foarte rau. Nici mancarea nu era prea buna. Ce sa spun, aici este extraordinar. M-am acomodat foarte repede. Daca e bine te obisnuiesti si le multumesc celor care au grija de noi”. Necazurile lui Valer au inceput de indata ce a acceptat sa-si vanda apartamentul pentru a-si ajuta nepotii. Neavand copii, el a dorit sa-si ajute rudele, in speranta ca si ei ii vor fi un sprijin la batranete. Lucrurile au luat o alta intorsatura, iar Valer nu si-a recuperat banii dati cu imprumut. “Eu mai sper ca voi primi banii de la ei. Am zis ca ei ma vor ajuta, fiindca in 1994 m-am imbolnavit cu inima si m-am operat la Targu-Mures. De atunci mi-a fost mai greu sa ma descurc cu sanatatea. Aveam nevoie de cineva care sa ma ajute, sa-mi pregateasca mancare, sa-mi faca aprovizionarea, sa ma duca la medic. Daca am vazut ca nu este nimeni dispus sa-mi dea o mana de ajutor, m-am hotarat sa plec la azil, fiindca singur nu ma mai descurcam. La varsta mea si tinand cont de situatia mea, pentru mine nu mai este alta rezolvare. Am patru feluri de medicamente pe care trebuie sa le iau in fiecare zi. Ce pot sa spun ca am invatat acum este ca niciodata nu se stie care si unde ajungem…Acum astept telegrama de Sus ca sa pot pleca”.

GROSANU VALER, 65 years old

Valer confessed that in his youth he never thought for a moment that he would end up living in his old age in a old people’s home. It was hard for him to even pronounce the word, but now he faces resignation to the thought and is grateful that he has a place to live and that there are people who take care of him.

Valer was accepted in Bethany House in Hateg a year ago. Before ending up here, he was hospitalized for four months in an elder’s home in a place in Valea Jiului. „There is a huge difference between what was in Valea Jiului and what they have here. We were four people in a room in that place. We had no conditions. The fire was being kept with coal and had a lot of smoke coming out. I was very ill and was sick all the time. Not even the food was very good. What can I say, it is great over here and I accommodated fast. If things are good for you somewhere, you get used to it and I want to thank the people who take care of us.”

Valer’s troubles began as soon as he accepted to sell his apartment in order to help his grandchildren. As he had no children of his own, he wanted to help out his relatives, hoping that they will be a support for him in his old age. However, things took a different turn and Valer never got back the money he gave away as a loan. “I still hope I will receive my money back from them. I though that they will help me, as in 1994 I got a heart disease and had surgery in Targu-Mures. Ever since, it was hard for me to handle things by myself, especially matters regarding my health. I needed someone to help me, prepare my food, and buy the things I need, take me to a doctor. Realizing that no one wants to take up that job, I decided to go to an old people’s home, as I couldn’t take care of myself anymore. At my age and regarding my health condition, there was no other solution for me. I have four kinds of medicine that I have to take everyday. The only thing I can say now is that you never know where you can end up. I am waiting for the telegram from God so I can leave this earth.”

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