HomeUncategorizedIrina si Ana Fabian

Irina si Ana Fabian

Gemene, 43 ani Aceste doua si-au petrecut aproape intreaga lor vita intr-un orfelinat la Paclisa, in conditi extrem de dificile.Parinti lor lea abandonat la nastere, si ele regreta ca dupa 43 de ani nu au avut sansa sa isi cunoasca parinti.De cand au venit la Casa ”Betania” din Hateg, ele au invatat cateva lucruri elementare…sa isi scrie numele lor! Timpul pe care l-au petrecut la Paclisa lea marcat intreaga viata. Ele au avut un handicap de cand sau nascut si in Paclisa au trait impreuna cu 200 de copii cu probleme similare de sanatate. Educatorii lor le aplicau un tratament foarte rau. Regimul de la Paclisa includea si pedepse dure si batai. Irina marturiseste ca era pedepsita deoarece avea curajul sa mearga la biserica: ”Ne bateau de cand eram copi. Dupa ce am mai crescut ne ………………..ca sa dormim, si cand ne trezeam ne simteam intoxicate. Nu am vrut sa spunem nimanui despre situatia noastra sau sa spunem ce se intampla”. Pe durata celor 43 de ani ele au fost invatate sa scrie si sa rezolve calcule matematice simple. Angajatii de la Casa ”Betania” din Hateg au inaintat acte ca ele sa poata primi pensie de handicap…..”In order to take my pension I have to sign certain papers, and the stuff from this house taught me how to sign my name”, says Irina

twins, 43 years old The two twins spent most of their lifetime in a state-run institution, in Păclişa, in very difficult conditions. They were abandoned by their parents at birth and their only regret is that they didn’t get to know their parents. Ever since they were integrated in “Bethany House” in Haţeg the two sisters have learnt an elementary thing … to write their name! The time spent by Irina and Ana in the state run institution in Păclişa left a big mark on their life. They were born with a handicap and lived together with other 200 children with similar health problems. Their educators treated them extremely cruel. The regime in Păclişa included harsh punishments and very often beatings. Irina confessed that she was punished even for the fact that she had the courage to go to church: “They used to beat us a lot when we were little. After we grew up, they used to give us injections so that we fall asleep. After I got up, I felt dizzy. We didn’t have anyone to talk to or tell them what is happening to us.” At 43 years old, Irina and Ana were never taught to write or do simple mathematical calculations. The employees of “Bethany House” in Haţeg did the necessary procedures so that they receive the handicapped persons’ pension. “In order to receive my pension, I have to sign. Here, they taught me to write my name” Irina tells us. She is also the one who manages the money and does all the shopping. She likes to buy different electrical devices or electronic house devices. Sometimes, Irina feels the need to protect her sister and tries to indulge her, by preparing her food or her clothes. Ana was away for a time living with a family in a city near Haţeg, helping with house duties. Irina is also very active, especially when it comes to the activities that involve “Bethany House”. She helps the cook every time to clear the table and wash the dishes, or helps the other girls in the house. “I like to clean up and wash the dishes. I get bored to sit all day long and do nothing. Sometimes I go and help in the greenhouse and in the flower garden. After I finish my duties I have time to walk around in town. Neither I nor my sister wants to go away from this place. I want to stay here until I die.”

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