HomeProiecte socialeManaMARIA ȘI ION SECOȘAN


SECOSAN ION SI MARIA, 78 de ani, respectiv 74 de ani

Pe sotii Secosan i-am gasit muncind in curtea casei. Ei pregateau materialele pentru confectionarea unei teracote cu ajutorul careia sa se incalzeasca pe timpul iernii. ”Mai trebuie sa aducem pamant si 40 de caramizi”. Desi au varste inaintate, ei incearca pe cat posibil sa intinda o mana de ajutor celor care le pregatesc ”Mana” zilnica.

Gradina din spatele casei este ingrijita cu drag de sotii Secosan. Ei au fost invatati sa munceasca la camp, iar o parte dintre produsele obtinute de ei le valorificau in piata ca sa-si completeze veniturile. Acum le este mult mai greu sa-si intretina gradina, dar nu se dau batuti. Cultiva tot felul de legume si zarzavaturi. Venitul lor este destul de mic. Maria nu are suficienti ani lucrati in campul muncii, fiindca a facut intrerupere 13 ani ca sa-si ingrijeasca mama bolnava. ”Nu am stiut ca puteam sa fiu ingrijitoarea ei si am pierdut 13 ani. Stiu ca Dumnezeu imi va rasplati osteneala si nu-mi pare rau. Mancarea pe care o primim e o binecuvantare. Ne faceam si noi, dar nu aveam intotdeauna suficient. Acum trebuie doar sa mai completam cu cate ceva”.

Ei sunt casatoriti de mai bine de 40 de ani, amandoi fiind la cea de-a doua casatorie. ”Am muncit mult sa ne ridicam o casa. Dumnezeu ne-a binecuvantat in toate lucrurile. Pana si lamaiul pe care-l avem in curte a facut cate trei lamai intr-un loc. Simtim ca Dumnezeu ne poarta zilnic de grija. Si noi vrem sa-i ajutam pe ceilalti, atat cat putem, din ceea ce creste la noi in gradina. Am vazut ca in viata sunt unii oameni care au invatat numai adunarea, iar impartirea este foarte grea pentru ei. Ne rugam ca Dumnezeu sa ne ajute sa ne facem partea noastra si sa ne pregatim pentru intalnirea cu El”.Secosan Ioan
Secosan Ion and Maria, 78 and 74 years old

We found the Secosan couple working hard in the courtyard of their house. They were preparing materials for building a terracotta fireplace which they would use for warming up during winter time. “We still need to bring soil and 40 bricks.” Although they are quite old, they try as much as they can to lend a helping hand to those who prepare their daily “manna”.

The yard in the back of the house is taken care of by the Secosan couple with great love. They were taught to work on the field and part of the products they would get they would sell in the market to complete their incomes. Now it is harder for them to maintain their garden, but they will not give up. They plant all sorts of vegetables. Their income is quite small. Maria doesn’t have enough years working on the fields, because she had to stop it for 13 years to take care of her ill mother. “I didn’t know I could be her care taker so I lost 13 years. I know God will repay me for my hard work and I am not sorry at all. The food we receive is a blessing. We used to make our own, but we never had enough. Now we only have to complete it with small things.” They have been married for over 40 years, both in their second marriages. “We worked hard to build a house. God has blessed us in every way. Even the lemon tree we have in our yard grew three lemons in one spot. We feel that God takes care of us every day. We want to help others as much as we can, by giving some of what grows in our garden. We learnt that in life some people only know how to add, but to sharing is very hard for them. We pray that God helps us do our share of things and that we prepare for the encounter with Him.”

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