O femeie, rapusa de cancer, se lupta sa-şi creasca copiii

Boala nu ţine cont de varste şi loveşte in toate categoriile sociale. Delia Popa are doar 38 de ani, iar de caţiva ani se lupta cu o boala cumplita. Ea a absolvit Facultatea de matematica, dar nu a profesat in domeniu. A fost nevoita sa se angajeze agent imobiliar, ca sa-şi poata creşte cei trei copii, insa nu şi-a putut pastra slujba pentru mult timp. Medicii i-au descoperit o afecţiune incurabil: neoplasm. De cand a fost diagnosticata cu cancer, viaţa ei s-a schimbat foarte mult. Nemaiputand sa munceasca din cauza bolii, Delia a fost nevoita sa se pensioneze şi sa incerce sa-şi administreze puţinii bani pentru traiul zilnic. Banii proveniţi din pensie ii sunt insuficienţi pentru creşterea celor trei copii. Delia se straduieşte foarte mult pentru copiii ei şi sufera atunci cand nu le poate oferi ceea ce au nevoie. impreuna cu ei, Delia locuieşte intr-o incapere de 12 mp. Intr-un colţ al camerei şi-a incropit o bucatarie. Are montat un aragaz la care incearca sa prepare mancare ori de cate ori are posibilitatea. Fiind foarte mulţi, spaţiul este deosebit de mic. in camera şi-a amenajat paturi etajate: ”Iarna, ca sa ne incalzim, dormim cate doi in pat. Situaţia se schimba in timpul verii. Este foarte cald, iar unul dintre noi se sacrifica şi doarme pe jos”, ne-a spus Delia. Suferinţa Deliei este accentuata şi de faptul ca baieţelul ei de numai 11 ani este foarte bolnav. El a fost diagnosticat cu ”rahitism accentuat”iar medicii i-au prescris tratament. Din pacate, mama nu-şi poate permite sa cumpere lunar medicaţia, ţinand cont ca pensia nu-i ajunge decat pentru chirie, curent şi gaz. ”Mi se rupe inima cand vad ca nu pot sa-mi ajut copilul. Are nevoie de medicaţie şi de alimentaţie mai buna, dar nu-mi pot permite sa i le asigur”, ne-a marturisit Delia, cu ochii plini de lacrimi. Singura ei alinare sunt copiii. Ei s-au invaţat cu lipsurile şi se straduiesc din rasputeri sa inveţe foarte bine ca sa se realizeze in viaţa. Toţi trei urmeaza cursurile unor şcoli cunoscute in Timişoara. De multe ori, ei işi doresc o haina noua, insa trebuie sa se mulţumeasca cu ce le ramane de la cel mare. O parte din suferinţele Deliei au fost estompate de cand a intrat in legatura cu credincioşii. Salvarea Deliei a venit din partea Asociaţiei Evanghelistice şi de Caritate ”Isus Speranţa Romaniei”. Ea a fost cuprinsa in proiectul ”Mana”, iar Delia primeşte mancare pentru fiecare sfarşit de saptamana. Dumnezeu este cel care o ajuta pe Delia sa treaca peste greutaţi. Ea este purtata in rugaciune de membrii bisericii ”Eclesia”, unde s-a integrat de curand. Dorinţa ei este ca Dumnezeu sa-i dea putere sa-şi duca crucea şi sa vegheze asupra copiilor ei.
Sickness can strike anybody, defying all social classes. Delia Popa is only 38 years old, but for a few years now she has been struggling with a terrible disease. She graduated University with a Degree in Mathematics, but in order to be able to raise her children she worked as a real estate agent due to the fact that she found no place to work in her field. Then the doctors discovered an incurable disease: neoplasm. Her life changed radically ever since she was diagnosed with cancer.

Because she is not able to work anymore, Delia is forced to survive on the basis of a very small pension and to try to manage the little amount of money for the everyday living expenses. She lives with her children in a 10 meters room in which she improvised a little kitchen in the corner, with a gas stove she uses for cooking when she has some food. The room is totally occupied by two beds, each of which is shared by two persons. ”During winter time, we warm ourselves by sleeping very close to each other in the bed. The situation is different during summer, when one of us is sleeping on the floor”, Mrs. Delia told us.

Diseases because of the poverty.

Delia’s sorrow is increased by the fact that her 11 years old son is very sick. He was diagnosed with very severe rickets and needs medical treatment. However, the money they have is only enough for covering the rent, electricity and the gas, and therefore specialized assistance is not possible. As a result, the boy’s health is getting worse: ”My heart is broken when I see that I can’t help my child. He needs better nourishment and medication but I can’t afford to offer that to him”, his mother said with tears in her eyes.

Delia’s only comfort is in her three children. They are already accustomed with having needs and they strive to study hard in school. All of them follow the courses of good schools in the city. They would often love to have new clothes to wear but they just have to be content with whatever is left from the older ones.

”Manna” Delia’s escape

Part of Delia?s sorrow was reduced since she has got in contact with believers. Her help came from the Evangelistic and Charitable Association ”Jesus the Hope of Romania”. Delia and her family were included in the ”Manna” project, and now Delia receives food every weekend. God is the One who helps her overcome difficulties. The members of ”Eclesia” church are praying for her, since this is the church where she worships God. Delia’s hope is that God would give her strength to carry her cross and watch over her children.


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