HomeProiecte socialeCasa Betania HategCASA ”BETANIA” DIN HAȚEG


Este un centru rezidenţial situat în Munţii Retezat care oferă găzduire pe perioade nedeterminate pentru persoane vârstnice şi fete    cu dizabilităţi.
          Rezidenţii casei beneficiază de condiţii la standard european şi servicii de îngrijire specializată. Au parte de asistenţă medicală personalizată, supraveghere, ajutor pentru igiena   corporală, deplasare interior si exterior, servirea sau hrănirea (dupa   caz) a 3 mese principale pe zi, grup sanitar în cameră, spaţii de recreere, socializare şi plimbare în curtea amenajată, consiliere spirituală şi acces la grădinărit.
  În prezent, Casa Betania găzduieşte 31 de persoane dintre care 6 fete   sunt cu dizabilităţi.
De la deschiderea sa în 2003, căminul este administrat cu dragoste şi dedicare de Timotei şi Tăvica Vălean. De asemenea, centrul dispune de asistent social şi personal administrativ calificat. Casa Betania e o oază de linişte şi frumuseţe, un loc plin de dragoste şi grijă, oferind astfel o atmosferă minunată celor aflaţi aici.
Adresa de contact:
str. Progresului nr. 35A, loc HATEG
tel 0254771285


Bethany is a special gift from God for all who the people who call it their home… it is an oasis of peace and grace.

It was opened on October 17th 2003, after ten years of hard work and sacrifices, after a long term investment on the part of JHOR and with the help of countless individuals and teams who helped out by donating both money and time & work for the construction of the building. The need for such a home has been on the hearts and minds of the people from Hateg for many years. A group of Christian believers, among which was also the late Timotei Valean had this initiative in 1990, right after the Revolution.They started the project and were able to get the land but in order to carry on, they decided to ask for the help of Pastor Peter Dugulescu, who had served the church in Hateg for twelve years. This is how Bethany became a JHOR project.With the help of God and many special people, the work was finished in 2003 and Bethany has become home for 7 elderly people who didn’t have anywhere else to go.

At present, Bethany offers shelter to 24 elderly people and 6 abandoned young women – orphan girls who have nobody by their side. Bethany home is a special gift from God for all those who live there, an oasis of peace and grace.

Tavica Valean is the director of the project at the moment. She is assisted by a devoted team, who are specialized in offering the residents the care they need, as well as much love and understanding.

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