Visul celor trei copilaşi de la Casa ”Onisim”, Alexandru, Berta şi Luca, de a fi împreună cu frăţiorii lor scumpi, Codruţ şi Darius s-a împlinit.În urmă cu câțiva ani, toţi fraţii au venit la “Onisim”, însă Codruţ şi Darius erau prea mici şi nu au putut rămâne alături de fraţii lor. Despărţirea a fost grea pentru cei mari, rămaşi la “Onisim”. Deseori, Berta se ruga să fie din nou cu fraţii ei. Conducerea Asociaţiei “Isus Speranţa României” a încercat să-I îndeplinească dorinţa Bertei, iar de curând, visul Bertei a devenit realitate. Codruţ şi Darius au ajuns într-o familie de asistenţi maternali de care s-au ataşat foarte mult. Au fost foarte bine îngrijiţi şi iubiţi. Tocmai de aceea, momentul despărţirii de aceştia a fost unul dureros. Îşi doreau să se joace cu frăţiorii lor de la Onisim, de care îi legau amintirile, însă ar fi fost încântaţi să rămână şi cu cei cărora le-au spus mamă şi tată pentru aproape doi ani. Deşi nu aveau prea multe amintiri cu fraţii lor de la Onisim, în cele din urmă “vocea sângelui” i-a atras spre fraţii lor. Cu foarte mult entuziasm, Darius ne-a povestit că a participat pentru prima dată într-o tabără. A fost împreună cu toţi copiii în Apuseni, unde au petrecut un timp extraordinar în mijlocul naturii. S-au jucat, s-au plimbat şi s-au bucurat de minunatul peisaj al muntelui. Codruţ este mai mic şi oarecum mai nedumerit de ceea ce îl aşteaptă la Onisim. El nu îşi mai amintea foarte multe despre fraţii lui. Printre lacrimi, s-a despărţit de mama Ramona, cea care i-a fost mama din postura de asitent maternal, şi a intrat în cealalată familie, a copiilor de la Onisim, unde erau atât de doriţi şi de aşteptaţi. Visul Bertei de a fii împreună cu frăţiorii ei s-a împlinit şi poate continua prin toţi aceia care simţiţi să îi sprijiniţi financiar ca să crească într-o familie unită, cea a ISR-ului care le oferă dragostea, căldura, educaţia şi sprijinul de care nu au avut parte în familia naturală.

The dream of three of our little ones from “Oncsimus Brothers/’ Alexandra, Berta and Luca, of being reunited with their two dear brothers, Codrut and Darius, became reality a few days ago. Less than two years ago, all five siblings arrived at “Oncsimus Brothers” but Codrut and Darius were too small and could not live here with their brothers and sister. Parting with the little ones was especially hard on the three older kids, who stayed with us. We could often hear Berta pray to be with her two brothers again. The staff from “Jesus the Hope of Romania” worked really hard to make her wish come truq- and, a little while ago, the miracle happened.After being separated from their older siblings, Codrut and Darius were entrusted to a foster family and they soon became very attached to their new parents. They were well taken care of and much loved. This is why leaving their adoptive family was difficult for them. They really wanted to play with Alexandra, Berta and Luca at “Onesimus Brothers” but they also wanted to live with the people they used to call “mom and dad” for almost two years. Although they didn’t share many memories with their three siblings, “blood is thicker than water” and Darius and Codrut chose their true family. Darius, who is four, is a true chatter box. He grew attached to his new mother, Andrea, very quickly: “I am her little monkey and I want to stay in her arms all the time!” he said. With a lot of enthusiasm in his voice, Darius told us about his first camping experience ever.He participated, with all the children from “Onesimus Brothers” at the JHOR’s “Apuseni Dew” Camp and got to spend a great time in the beautiful nature. They played, they hiked and they enjoyed many other activities.Codrut is younger and, somehow, more puzzled about what lies ahead for him at “Onesimus Brothers.”He didn’t remember much about his siblings and had tears in his eyes as he said good-bye to “mom Ramona,” his foster mother, and entered his new family, where he had been waited for and wanted for so long.Berta’s dream, of being united with her brothers again, came true and it can go on through all of you who choose to support “Jesus the Hope of Romania” and “Onesimus Brothers,” making it possible for all our children to continue to grow in a family which offers them the love, warmth, education and support they did not get in their natural family.

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