Intr-un apartament mic, format din doua camere, locuiesc patru persoane. Din cauza spaţiului, lucrurile sunt extrem de puţine, fiind necesare mai multe paturi şi dulapuri. In aceste condiţii, traiesc soţii Duţciuc, impreuna cu cei doi copii ai lor. Necazul este ca pe langa neajunsurile materiale cu care se confrunta zilnic, aproape toţi membrii familiei sunt foarte bolnavi. Singurul lor ajutor provine de la Asociaţia Evanghelistica şi de Caritate ”Isus Speranţa Romaniei”, care prin proiectul ”Mana” le asigura traiul zilnic.
Soţul d-nei Elena sufera de oligofrenie şi el nu poate fi un ajutor potrivit pentru soţia sa. Din pacate, el nu are discernamant, iar soţia lui nu se poate baza foarte mult pe el. Fiica lor, Simona, deşi are 24 de ani are un comportament similar cu al unui copil de 5 ani. Din cauza bolii, ea a fost diagnosticata cu handicap de gradul I. Mama ei nu se poate baza nici pe ea, mai mult, trebuie sa o supravegheze ca s evite alte catastrofe. Şi baiatul familiei are tot o problema mentala, iar de caţiva ani au fost nevoiţi sa-l interneze intr-un centru de recuperare pentru persoanele cu handicap. ”Este foarte greu sa-ţi menţi familia unita in asemenea condiţii. Pe langa faptul ca nu avem suficienţi bani ca sa ne descurcam, mai suntem şi bolnavi, fiecare cu alt diagnostic. Nici eu nu ma simt prea bine, fiindca am diabet, dar dintre toţi, eu sunt baza in casa”, spune cu durere Elena.
Treptat, rudele familiei s-au indepartat de ei, insa, Elena nu-i judeca. ”Ii inţeleg ca şi ei au probleme foarte mari şi nu pot sa fie la dispoziţia mea. in ziua de astazi, pentru toata lumea este greu sa pui o paine pe masa. Eu sunt fericita ca Dumnezeu ne-a purtat de grija şi ca primim in fiecare zi o mancare calda. Nici nu ştiu cum ne-am fi descurcat altfel. Din pensiile noastre achitam prima data cheltuielile de intreţinere şi curentul ca sa nu ne pierdem casa. Sa avem macar un acoperiş deasupra capului”.
Am lasat in urma o familie pentru care viaţa reprezinta o permanenta lupta, presarata cu multa suferinţa. Singura alinare pentru ei este ”Mana” zilnic oferita de Asociaţia ”Isus Speranţa Romaniei”.
In a small apartment, with only two rooms, live 4 persons. Because of the small space, the things are just a few; there is only place for beds and wardrobes. In this condition lives the family Dutciuc, together with their two children. Beside the material needs this family confronts every day, all the members have healthy problems. Their only help comes from The Evangelistic and Charitable Association ”Jesus the Hope of Romania”, and through ”Manna” project this family receives a hot meal at their home on a daily basis.
Mrs. Elena’s husband suffers from oligophreny, and he is not able to be a proper help for his wife. Unfortunately, he has not discernment, and his wife can not rely onto him. Their daughter, Simona, who is 24 years old, has a similar behavior to a 5 years old child. Because of her illness, she was diagnosed with first degree handicap. Also, her mother can not rely onto her, more than that she needs to supervise her daughter in order to avoid other catastrophes. The boy of the family suffers also of a mental problem, and for a few years the family had to hospitalize him in a recovery center for persons with handicaps. ”It is a great issue to keep my family united. Beside the fact that the money are always a problem, we are all ill, each one of us with a different diagnosis. I do not feel quite well either, because I suffer from diabetes, but from us all, I have to be strong”, said with great pain in voice Elena.
Step by step the relatives drawn apart from them, but Elena did not judge them at all. ”I understand they have problems and they can not help all the time. Nowadays it is difficult to have a piece of bread on the table everyday. I am so happy that God took care of us and we receive through ”Manna” project a hot meal every day. Otherwise, I do not know how we would have to manage. From our pensions we have to pay off the gas, electricity and all the other taxes in order not to loose our house. It is important to have a roof over our heads”.
We left behind a family for whom life means an everyday struggle with lot of pain. Their only comfort is the everyday ”Manna” offered with love by the Association ”Jesus the Hope of Romania”.