Flavia este o fetiţă minunată, frumoasă şi foarte deşteaptă. Are lipici, cum se spune, la toate persoanele cu care intră în contact. Nu poţi trece nepăsător pe lângă Flavia, mai ales după ce-i afli trista-i poveste…  A adus-o pe lume, Mara, o femeie diagnosticată cu SIDA, care la puţin timp după ce i-a dat viaţă a trecut în lumea îngerilor. Ajutorul Flaviei a venit de la Dumnezeu prin pastorul Laurenţiu Timiş, care vizitează bolnavii infestaţi cu HIV de la Spitalul Victor Babeş din Timişoara. Aici a întâlnit-o pe Mara, care în ultimii 7 ani a fost spitalizată de nenumărate ori. Existau momente în care Mara locuia împreună cu familia ei, într-o baracă sărăcăcioasă, dar curată, de la marginea Timişoarei, însă spitalul era “reşedinţa” ei. Boala a avansat foarte rapid şi a răpus-o la numai 23 de ani. Deşi ştia că suferă de o boală incurabilă, Mara a adus-o pe lume pe Flavia, fetiţa pe care o iubea cel mai mult. Fiind protejată de placentă, Flavia s-a născut perfect sănătoasă, iar testele ulterioare făcute pentru depistarea bolii, au fost îmbucurătoare. Fetiţa nu este bolnavă de SIDA. Mama ei a crescut-o pâna la doi ani, cu mari greutăţi, în condiţii insalubre, dar cu multă dragoste. Când boala a ţintuit-o la pat, Mara a fost nevoită să accepte ca micuţa ei să ajungă în grija autorităţilor din Timişoara. Despărţirea de fetiţa ei scumpă a fost extrem de dureroasă, dar în acelaşi timp, Mara a conştientizat că îi este imposibil să-i poarte de grijă Flaviei. Bunica maternă, suferindă şi ea de o afecţiune psihică, a ales să se ocupe de Mara, conştientă fiind că va muri curând. Ultimele şase luni de viaţă ale Marei au fost cumplite. Din punct de vedere fizic era epuizată, dar gândul ei era doar la Flavia. Se ruga neîncetat ca Dumnezeu să nu o ia din această lume înainte de a-şi mai vedea fetiţa încă o dată, mai cu seamă că nu mai ştia nimic de existenţa Flaviei. Providenţa a îngăduit ca Flavia să ajungă să fie internată în acelaşi spital în care îşi aştepta sfârşitul şi Mara…Flavia s-a îmbolnăvit de varicelă şi a ajuns în Spitalul Victor Babeş. O persoană din cadrul spitalului a recunoscut-o pe Flavia, care de altfel a mai trecut prin spital, şi a dus-o pe micuţă să-şi întâlnească mama. A fost o întâlnire cutremurătoare! Visul Marei de a-şi îmbrăţişa fiica încă o dată a fost realizat…Putea trece în cealaltă lume cu inima împăcată, dar mai avea o dorinţă, pe care a încredinţat-o celor de la asociație– să aibă grijă de Flavia!  Acest lucru a devenit posibil, iar Flavia este în grija “părinţilor” de la ISR, care se ocupă de creşterea micuţei.

We are truly delighted to present to you the success story of a wonderful girl, Flavia, who has cometo be in the care of the “Jesus the Hope of Romania.” In the beginning, Flavia was very shy, confused and scared by everything that surrounded her. This is why the changes she has gone through since she came here can indeed be considered a miracle. The frightened little girl that refused to interact with anyone, is now thrilled to jump into the arms of any grown up that wants to give her a hug. She has learned, in time, that she can actually trust the people around her. For all of us here at JHOR, this is the greatest compliment she could offer us and it motivates us strongly to continue what we have begun. Flavia is a wonderful, beautiful and smart girl. She instantly wins the hearts of all those she comes in contact with. And no one can just walk by without caring, especially after hearing Flavia’s sad lifestory. She was brought into this world by Mara, a woman who was diagnosed with AIDS and who slipped away into the world of angels shortly after giving birth to beautiful Flavia. The help for Flavia came from God through pastor Laurentiu Timis, who visits daily AIDS patients at the Victor Babes Hospital in Timisoara. This is where he met Mara, who had been n and out of hospitals for the last seven years of her life. There were the few times when Mara enjoyed living at home, with her family, in a very poor and shabby but clean shack on the outskirts of Timisoara, but the hospital was her main place of residence. The disease advanced very rapidly and took her life when she was only 23. Even though she knew that she was suffering from an incurable disease, Mara chose to give birth to Flavia, the little girl whom she loves dearly. Because she was protected by the placenta, Mara was born perfectly healthy and all the tests performed later on had wonderful results: Flavia did not get AIDS. Her mother struggled to raise her to the age of two, in very difficult conditions but with an enormous love. When her sickness confined her to spending all her time in bed, Mara had to entrust Flavia to the authorities. Parting with her beloved daughter was extremely painful but Mara had realized that she was not able to care for her any longer. Flavia’s maternal grandmother, who is also suffering with a psychical condition, chose to take care of Mara, knowing that she would pass away soon. Mara’s last six months were terrible. Physically, she was completely exhausted but all she could think of was her daughter. She prayed to God all the time for the chance to get to see her little girl once more, especially since she didn’t know anything about Flavia. God so orchestrated the events that Flavia came to be admitted into the same hospital where her mother was slowly and painfully passing away from this life. Flavia had gotten chicken pox and this is how she ended up at the Victor Babes Hopsital. A nurse from the hospital recognized Flavia, who had been in that hospital before, and took her to see her mother. The reunion cannot be described in words. Mara’s dream of holding her daughter once last time became true. She could now close her eyes in peace and with a contented heart. However, she still had one more last wish, which she shared with pastor Laurentiu Timis: to take care of Flavia! From that very moment, Laurentiu knew that Flavia had to be taken into the care of JHOR. This became possible and since December 2011, Flavia has been in the care of her “parents” from JHOR.


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